How Not to Become Overweight while Working in the IT Industry - Introduction*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Working in the IT and Tech industry can be a lot of fun and also very lucrative. As one of the hallmarks of the modern world, this branch of industry in on the rise all around the globe. But, at the same time, in many countries throughout the world, the number of overweight and obese individuals is on the rise. The same increase is clearly evident in the IT sector and this is no coincidence.

As more and more people find work in the IT or Tech fields of industry, the trend is certain to continue. How Not to Become Overweight while Working in the IT Industry is an eBook written by Ivica Milaric, a psychologist and an author about the same phenomena. It aims to explores the connection between working in the IT industry and the immediate dangers of becoming overweight that these jobs carry with them. 

Aside from this, it also examines the psychological concepts which might be able to stop and reverse the same process before the health of the individuals in jeopardy. Find out more about the eBook here