Obesity and Alzheimer’s Disease

Copyright: Hugo BERNARD
An Iowa State researcher by the name  Auriel Willette is one of the scientists who works on unlocking the relationship between the brain and the body, especially its metabolic processes.

Currently, there are clear indications that metabolic issues linked to obesity, like Type-2 diabetes nad resistance to insulin can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Now, Willette shows how obesity can also lead to depression, which then triggers a cycle of anxiety and stress.

Speaking from a purely psychological standpoint, the onset of depression and anxiety disorders, both as a unified issue or in tandem, is often seen along with obesity. In the IT industry, the same patterns are just as common as anywhere else in the population, maybe even more so because of the shifting but constant sources of stress and work-related pressures. Now, it looks like a physiological connection will also be corroborated, along with the issue of Alzheimer appearing more frequently in obese individuals.

Read more about Willette's work here.